Saturday, October 24, 2009

Movie-March of the Penguins

I will admit it...March of the Penguins (2004) was pretty good. I remember all the hype and discussion about it when it came out, making it sound like the best thing since Titanic. So I was wary as I prepared to watch it.

Like I said, it was pretty good...entertaining, with great visuals, educational, and amazing in many ways. However, I really got annoyed at the amount of anthropomorphising they did in the film. Attributing human emotions to the behavior of these creatures, is OK on a small scale, but they did it so epically in this film, that I wondered why it wasn't OK just to portray these animals as what they are: penguins, instead of making them strange little human beings.

I think in the past the idea that animals do not have any feelings or emotions has been overdone, many animals clearly have emotions and feelings, almost every dog owner in the world will attest to I am not opposed to some of that...but this just took it to another level. And it became cloying and at one point, ridiculous.

Apart from that, I enjoyed the movie, and can see why it became popular.

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