Friday, November 6, 2009

2 Magazines

The October issue of Playboy was amusing in many ways. The interview with Woody Harrelson being just one of them. The article on the Kenny Stabler Raiders was actually fun...I know I am supposed to hate them, but it was a unique team. The Sex on Campus article and pictoral and the vampire-ish Bloddlust pictoral were all just fun.

In National Geographic it was more like awe, rather than fun, that the October issue provoked. The awe owed to the redwoods, shown in the article, The Tallest Trees, was almost heavenly. The images that went with the words were captivating. Then the article about Byrde's whales...the imagery blew me away! And the Sahara...what is more awe-inspiring than that...? But the thing that really blew me away, was the article about Indonesia, and facing fanatical groups preaching killing and hatred. The bravery of Nat Geo to confront issues like this, to present without dogma and cant, the issues of religous fantacism in a particular culture...that truly provokes awe. Because it is rare in this day and age, and it needs to be treasured.

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