Sunday, October 17, 2010

Movies- More Mini Reviews

It's Complicated- 2009
While there are many things I liked about It's Complicated, I did not like that the characters had no insight into themselves, or each other. I did like that it showed somewhat older people with passion! That is refreshing from the young and perfect in much of Hollywood. And it was funny. But I could not help thinking, "C'mon, how is she falling for that?!?!" 4 of 5 stars.

The Producers- 2005
Felt a little too much like the play at some points, meaning that in screen it was a bit stilted. BUT, the stars are fabulous, who woulda know Matthew Broderick was quite such a song and dance man. And UMA! Va va VOOOOOM! Despite the play like tendencies, still a fun evening watching this musical. 4 of 5.

The Merchant of Venice- 2004
Al Pacino as Shylock?? Whoever came up with that casting should be knighted. He was a PERFECT Shylock! And he plays the role with his heart. This movie was a great take on the Bard's classic play, and I ended up feeling like Shylock was the hero, and the others were assho*&s. 4 of 5 stars.

The Invention of Lying- 2009
I think Ricky Gervais is just out and out funny. And this movie, which he also directed, is a great vehicle for him. Set in a world where there are no untruths, everybody says what they are thinking, you realize how nice filters are. Some great lines, including Jennifer Garner, as she answers the door for their date, as she chides him for being early. She says, "I was just masturbating." His response, "That makes me think of your vagina." I was rolling! Me too Ricky! LMAO! 4.5 of 5 stars.

The Informant!- 2009
This movie was just lame. Matt Damon played it as well as he could, but the whole plot was just uninteresting. I could barely keep watching it. 1.5 out of 5.

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