Monday, April 14, 2008

Movie-Two Brothers

This 2004 movie, Two Brothers is billed as a kids movie. I have trouble seeing it as a kids movie, it was disturbing to us with its indications of animal abuse.

It is about 2 tiger cubs taken into captivity, one with a mean owner and one with a slightly less mean owner. And the cubs are cute and the adult tigers majestic. But in some of the scenes they show a circus man breaking a tiger to get it to jump through a hoop of fire. And they show the tiger doing it.

I had to wonder, how about the tiger actors? Were they all presented with positive reinforcement training? Was there no animal harmed in this film, even when they are pushing the tiger cubs around with sure looked scared, or was that method acting?

I am not sure the point of this film, but it was, to use a technical term, icky. It left me feeling like these tigers have it almost as bad as the tigers they are depicting. And it made me dislike animals in entertainment more. Not a kids movie at the very least, unless you want to talk to your kids about animal abuse.

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