Saturday, January 24, 2009

Academy Award Nominations

Well, the nominations for the Oscars were announced this week, and, as usual, I have not seen ANY of the films on the fact there are a few I haven't even heard of...What is Frozen River and who is Melissa Leo? in the best actress category.

Anyway...most of the movies are not yet out on DVD, but I am moving up in my queue the ones that far, The Visitor, Tropic Thunder, Dark Knight, Wall-E, Vicki Christina Barcelona...and as soon as there is room in my queue, a few other currently available films.

At least on Oscar night I will be able to root for somebody and say I have seen some of the nominated films...

There are still 2 foreign films from last years nominations that are not out on DVD, Katyn and 12. So who knows how long it will take to see many of this year's films...but I will be dedicated in my task!

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