Sunday, February 21, 2010

TV on Netflix- True Blood, Season 1

Alright, I have quite a few people I know who LOVE LOVE LOVE True Blood (2008). My niece, my friends Kelli and Sharon among others. And while I liked True Blood, I was not drawn into it as those people were. Nor was I drawn into like I was those other HBO shows of The Sopranos and Six Feet Under. True Blood, while quite good, did not reach those heights of sublime television.

It is original TV, I will give it that. Adding to the vampire mythos (which seems to be rampant right now), True Blood's main character is Sookie Sackhouse, a waitress at a bar in in an out of the way Parish of Louisiana. Sookie is a bit unusual before any vamps appear on the scene...she can read minds.

In True Blood's world, vampires can now exist without drinking blood from humans...they can survive on a synthetic blood, called True Blood. So vamps are now trying to "come out" and be part of society, at least many are. And Bill Compton walks into Sookies' bar and orders True Blood from her, and instantly there is chemistry.

Sookie is played by Anna Paquin who does a nice job. But all the acting is sometimes a bit wooden...maybe that is the vibe they are going for, but it does not always work for me. And while I like the idea of the vampires and all, there are way too many supernatural beings popping up in this series. Sam is a changeling Sookie can read minds, Bill an others are vamps, and we get the idea in Season 2 there will be even more strange creatures. I wish they had stuck to one or two, the vamps and a mind reader, that would not stretch my credulity so far.

One of things I did not like about it was how much it hit you over the head with the idea that the prejudice humans show to vampires is quite like that which heterosexuals show to homosexuals, or that whites showed to blacks for decades (yes I know it still occurs, but I am talking pre-civil rights era). I would like that point (an it is valid) to be a little more subtle, instead of hitting me over the head almost every episode. Yes, I almost scream, I get it, really I do, now shut UP!

Yes, I will continue to watch True Blood, I did actually like it. But it is not one of those where I am waiting with bated breath for the next season to come out.

The extras on the DVD series were for True Blood, PSA's both for against vampires, all of which were quite funny.

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