Sunday, March 21, 2010

2 Magazines

The January issue of National Geographic had an astonishing article in it about bionics...Wow! What seemed like science fiction only a decade ago now is at our doorstep as fact. The linking of man and machine is used right now to help people who have lost sight and limbs, but the implications of other uses are also a bit terrifying. The science has come so far making arms that link directly into the nerves and the brain, with more and more sophisticated movement and dynamics. Incredible! And what they are doing for sight! Holy crap! As usual, the rest of the articles were entertaining and educational...The expose of wildlife trafficking was a great piece of investigative journalism and worth the Geographic's resources. And the images were heart-rending.

The January-February issue of Playboy is my last for a bit. I let my subscription lag for various reasons. But it was an excellent issue! the interview with Sean Combs was so-so, but the article about "The Singularity" actually meshed well with the Nat Geo article about bionics. There is much that is imagined about how far humans can adapt science to create better humans, but there is much that is real too. Tara Reid's pictorial was good, but highly airbrushed...still, she looked pretty good. The fiction by Dennis Lehane was fantastic. "Animal Rescue," was just outright a great short story. The expose about the man who conned the Pentagon was enlightening and frightening at how easily our government can be totally conned when manned by paranoids.There was other excellent fiction and articles. I am glad I am going out on a high note with this magazine.

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