Sunday, June 21, 2009

Movie-Bottle Shock

Bottle Shock (2008) is a fun movie, telling the mostly true story of Napa, coming onto the world wine stage via a blind tasting in France in 1976.

The film is listed as a drama, but it is light-hearted and often funny, and always fun. Starring Bill Pullman as the owner of Montelena Winery, and Alan Rickman who owns a small wine shop in Paris that is on the verge of failing, the film also has an excellent supporting cast. Chris Pine, Freddy Rodriguez, Rachel Taylor, Dennis Farina, Eliza Dushku and Miguel Sandoval all are great in showing their love for the grape.

If these events had not happened, the film might be considered a bit campy, but as they did, and truth being stranger than fiction, the film works because it does show an evening of the playing field between the wine snobs and those who just love wine.

Alan Rickman is especially good. He knows he is not liked. He even has a line...."You think I am an asshole because I am British, and well, you're not." And it is true, we do! But he is the catalyst that brings California wines to the forefront of the world's imagination.

Not as pretentious as Sideways, this is still a movie for those who love wine, while still being accessible for those who just want to be entertained. And you learn a little something about what the term bottle shock means!

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