Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Movie- My Favorite Broadway: The Love Songs

There have been times in my life when people who have met me have thought I am gay...I'll admit it. They come up with various reasons..."You're in touch with your feminine side." "You get along with women so well." But I think the real reason is that I like Broadway musicals! Yes, its true!...I go along singing songs from Phantom. I play the soundtrack to Fiddler on the Roof in my car. I knew what stanza Susan Boyle missed in her rendition of "I Dreamed a Dream" from Les Miz on Britain's Got Talent.

So, I have this CD and wanted to see the broadcast of it.

OK...technically not a movie, My Favorite Broadway: The Love Songs is a concert on DVD. And while I bypassed many of the songs, some of the performances were incredible. But the highlight was Julie Andrews. Now this is just a guess, but I think it was her first singing after a botched throat surgery that left her ablility to ever sing again in doubt. Because the audience reaction is just can feel the air being sucked out of the room as she beautifully sings a few lins from My Fair Lady...and they are on their feet with joy that this legend has returned to song.

So...I will go on loving this music. It is music I have always loved, and probably always will. And the DVD was enjoyable to watch. So sue me!

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