Sunday, January 3, 2010

Farmer's Market-Hillcrest

I have written about the Farmer's Market in Hillcrest before, but had to mention a few things again. We had two of our meals today from the FM. There we had our panini sandwiches...oh, they are SO good. And Sharlynn is quite taken with the "cute" panini maker. Yeah...OK. All I care about is that the hand pressed sandwiches are DE-LISH!

We also bought our lunch there...hand-crafted salami, organic raw cheddar and a fresh baguette! With some good red wine...Oooo La La! So yummy! And after that a newish vendor there...410 Degrees, with custom made cookies.

They are right next to the panini stand and have the best cookies EVER! They give samples too...I'm just saying. We got three cookies (they are almost like small muffins): the chocolate chip decadence, the banana and the pancake with maple syrup and bacon. O M G! The last really tasted like pancakes with maple and a hint of damn good! They do custom cookies, so if you were partial to blueberry pancakes, the would add that to your cookie dough, to make blueberry pancake with maple and bacon for you. Check them out next time you are at the FM or go to their site.

We also got bread and fruit and flowers!

I LOVE the Farmer's Market!

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