Saturday, January 9, 2010

Movie- The Perfect Crime

The Perfect Crime (2004) is a Spanish film that is a mix of several genres--murder mystery, social satire and pure comedy. And while I would not say that the result is fantastic, it is amusing and often surprising.

Rafael is on top of the world. He is the top salesman in a big department store, overseeing many beautiful clerks, all of whom want to sleep with him, and he is about to get a huge promotion. His only rival is an older man with a bad toupee, so he thinks he has it in the bag. But his life goes amiss when he does not get the promotion, accidentally kills his rival, and has to carry on a relationship with the one witness to the crime, even though she is controlling, mean and ugly.

The film is well-intentioned, but misses some opportunities as it gets into the meat of this farce of a relationship. Rafael does not grow at all, merely tries to outrun the things he has done, always to have his ball and chain a few feet ahead of him. I feel like it could have been a bit deeper and maybe a better social satire had he been the least bit reflective of what got him to this point in the first place.

But, for all that The Perfect Crime is entertaining, especially as you try to keep up with his plan for freedom. It is not a perfect movie, but it is diverting and fun.

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