Friday, July 2, 2010


OK my friends, after a long hiatus I am back to blogging.

A lot of things got in the way of my itself sometimes made it hard to be creative and think about something to say concerning the movies I watch, the books I read, the restaurants I try.

But much of that has cleared up now that I am retired, and I have a lot to catch up on.

I hope to continue with all that, but will be adding some more of my way of seeing the world---thoughts about social, political and other events. And usually I will offend someone. Most of you who read my blogs know that I am very liberal, radical! LOL!
And I seem to be getting more so all the time. If I offend you...tough biscuits! No where in our laws does it say that you have the privilege of never being offended.

But to get my writing wings back under me, I will start with some reviews. I hope to get at least a few a day posted.

It is good to be back, especially under these circumstances.

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