Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Movie-All About Steve

And we go from Sandra Bullock...sorry...Ms. Bullock, winning an Oscar in The Blind Side, to her winning a Razzie in the dismal, All About Steve (2009).

How can a movie with two such likable stars as Bullock and Bradley Cooper (three if you count Thomas Hayden Church...but I don't) go so terribly, horribly wrong? But you can't stop watching the damn think, "Hell, this had GOT to get better. It has Sandra Bullock in it!" And you keep thinking that until the credits start rolling. Ironically, that is WHEN it starts getting better!

The plot? Ugh...Ms. Bullock is a weird woman who lives with her parents and gets set up on a blind date with Cooper. She tries to man-rape him in his van, and then stalks him as he covers stories for his national news network. All side plots and secondary stories in this movie are equally as yucky (YES---I used 'yucky' in a review---I am not Ebert). It is a terribly sick feeling watching these two actors going through the paces in this piece of dreck film.

And you realize, they are not infallible! They make some crappy choices too (I won't talk about Jesse James here)! Somehow in reading this script, they saw a good idea? Wow, even I would know crap when I see it. And somehow, it is kinda therapeutic. It makes your own choices seem better, I don't care that it did land me in the ER, at least I didn't act in All About Steve!!! So what if I am divorced and broke, if I addicted to coke and Mars bars. I DID NOT ACT IN ALL ABOUT STEVE!!!! Hahahahahahaha!

I LOVE Sandra, and I love that she came and accepted her Razzie in person. But please, PLEASE don't do something like this again!!!!! (OK, I am talking about JJ again here)!

All About Steve---go ahead and see it...I dare you.

At least that is my opinion!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hilarious as usual! - D'pep