Wednesday, July 1, 2009


This is the second movie I have seen recently dealing with the subject of the illegal sex trade industry and the kidnapping of young women for that industry. The first one, Trade, was more introspective, though it had its moments of tension.

Taken (2008) is a whole different animal, an action thriller, and in its genre, works very well. Liam Neeson is an unexpected action hero, ex-CIA, special assignment agent, Bryan. He has retired to be closer to his 17-year-old daughter, who now lives with his ex-wife and a really rich step-father. She talks him into letting her go to Europe, against his better judgement, and in an apartment in France, while he listens on the phone, she is taken.

But Bryan knows how to work this...and he does it effectively, ruthlessly and, for the audience, entertainingly. While Neeson acts an action hero, Bryan also uses his brain quite well, and this works because Neeson seems smart and seasoned, not like he just relies on brawn.

There are many twists and turns, but I was on the edge of my seat many times, not just at the car chases, but at the bluffs Bryan used to get closer to his daughter. At at the lengths he would go to, to rescue her. He would not let red tape, or former friends stop him.

Taken is a really good movie...and Neeson plays this character perfectly. He can't go to the well too much on this action hero brand, but in this movie it works perfectly.

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