Sunday, July 26, 2009

Restaurant-Tender Greens

In one week we have found two new restaurants than now rank as favorites for us! How often does that happen?

We were looking for a place for a casual lunch on Saturday, and nothing was too appealing to us when I remembered hearing about a place at Liberty Station in Point Loma with pretty healthy food called Tender Greens ( So we headed down there. And we were very pleased.

It is not a full service place. You order at a counter. And it does not have a large menu. But what they do have, to do well. They are organic and/or locally sustainably grown products as much as possible. They have a nice variety of simple salads, large salads with meat (despite the name) grilled meat, soup and a few desserts.

Sharlynn and I both were craving beef and had their perfectly grilled angus flank steak on rustic bread with roasted red peppers and aioli. It came with a simple salad that was very good---Sharlynn had the baby arugula and I had the baby spinach, both good helpings. The sandwiches were excellent, with nice portions of beef, that was tender, slightly rare, and juicy. Each plate was about $10 and I had a Sam Adams to go with my lunch.

The place had a nice, casual and, dare I say it, healthy atmosphere. You could sense the food was good, and not at all processed.

This is another place we want to go back and try more. The albacore looks great, and so does the chicken. If you are Point Loma, stop by and try it, you will like it.

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