Saturday, July 31, 2010

Movie- An Education

An Education received major Oscar nominations in two categories, for Best Picture and for Best Actress for new-comer Carey Mulligan. It won in neither category.

Very stylish, and a little creepy, An Education (2008) showcased newcomer Carey Mulligan as a 17 year young woman in 1960's London, seduced by an older man. Jenny (Mulligan) is very willfully seduced however, by the incredibly charming Peter (portrayed by the very underrated Peter Sarsgaard). Peter is so charming he charms Jenny's very protective and rather conservative parents even, easily talking them into letting her go to Paris with him! He is that charming.

He wants to teach Jenny about art and music and fine food and culture. And boy, she wants to learn. She takes to the life like a fish to water. She loves the opportunity to learn about these things, and with her parent's blessing too!

But Peter seems to good to be true, and she seems to know it, even before he shows it openly. She knows it, but goes along with the ride anyway, because she is just waiting to be seduced. Peter is a crud really, despite his charm and affluence, he is a man who loves to teach young girls about life, and is love with the idea of being in love. He just does not know how to really be.

And Jenny? She takes as much of the good off this cad, and tries to imbue herself with that, and her life be filled with the fine food and music, while shedding off the garbage that Peter has also.

Carey Mulligan is great in this. She is the living, breathing emblem of youth...ready to seize the day, and yet able to recover from the hazards the come with the seizing, something that seems to be lost as we grow older. I for one feel every seize I make! But she embodies the youthful spirit in a very organic, non-acted way. She is so wonderfully alive.

And Skarsgaard? Another great acting job by him...he is at first this dream man...but we soon realize he is his own dream man too, and Skarsgaard portrays it just that way.

An Education is at times light-hearted and youthful, but also shows what fades away with youth. It is a simple and complex movie, both at the same time. And it is a lovely movie too.

At least that is my opinion.

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