Thursday, July 8, 2010

Movie- Food Inc.

Food Inc. was nominated as best Documentary Feature Film at the Oscars. It did not win.

Food Inc. (2008) may not make you change your eating habits, but it will make you think about what you are putting in your mouth, that is sure.

Ever since I took a food handling management class for one of the many jobs I held at the Zoo, I have been aware of the troubles of our food industry. The teacher told us of some of the differences in the USA's food processing industry and Canada's. Whoa. Troubling!

So I was not unprepared for much of the info that Food Inc. presented. But even so, I am buying a lot more from Farmer's Market's, and a lot more organic. Because our food processing industry really sucks. And there are laws that the industry has on the books that may make it illegal for me to even say that! Seriously. The film documents a mother who lost a child to food borne illness, and she has become a lobbyist for better controls on the food industry, but even she, who had to endure the death of her young child, has to be careful of what she says. Hell, even the almighty Oprah was sued by the food industry for saying bad things about them!

Food Inc. is disturbing in so many ways: That in America (the richest country in the world) we have such lax standards, and so little enforcement in the food processing industry, That we allow such corporate policies and need for excess profits to endanger our lives and health, That we have laws that limit our free speech so stringently that seem to defy our is all very VERY disturbing.

But we can make changes....and that is the thrill of this, local, sustainable...those are not just buzz words. We can bring things back into our control. We can reclaim the potential of fresh, real wholesome food. We don't have to eat steroided, corn fed, mass produced, diseased animals and plants.

While Food Inc. did not get the Oscar, it has had an amazing effect on the people who have watched it. It is an important film and should be watched. REally, it SHOULD be watched!!

At least that is my opinion. Unless of course I am sued by the food industry. At that point I may need to change it

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