Monday, July 26, 2010

Movie- Zack and Miri Make a Porno

Seth Rogen in a Kevin Smith film. That sounds a little dangerous actually. But in Zack and Miri Make a Porno (2008) is is more sweet then sordid, despite the title.

Longtime friends Zack and Miri have never had really successful lives, and things are going downhill fast from that starting point. So when a YouTube video of Miri in her big underwear makes a huge splash, they come upon the idea to make an amateur porn movie, starring, among others, themselves.

There is some of the usual sophomoric humor and gutter talk that you would expect in a movie like this. But the sweetness comes between Zack (Rogan) and Miri (Elizabeth Banks). You feel the two have always had a thing for each other, despite vehement denials, and that the process of trying to find a way to get by, whether it was via porn making or not, brings them to the realization that their denials ring quite hollow.

I won't go so far as to say this is an excellent movie, but it was not too shabby either. If you tale out the gross sight gags and potty mouths, even leaving the porno in, it is a kinda sweet love story. Kinda a chick flick on X.

At least that is my opinion.

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