Saturday, February 23, 2008

Michael Clayton

I am trying to see some of the Oscar nominated films, and Michael Clayton was nominated for Best, picture, actor, diector, supporting actor and supporting actress. Five major noms, and some others too. It was really good, and the performances were all quite fine. The story was compelling, but it did not seem to me that the performances were sooooo good as to win Oscars. It is a lawyer story, with a clearly assigned villian, but I felt like I seen this story before, maybe a few times, and done even better with more originality. I am not knocking the film at all, it is really watchable, with some reasonable degree of tension and surprise. But it did not feel absolutely stellar. George Clooney is really good in the title role...but again, really good is not great, or Best.

I recommend seeing the movie, and most people would enjoy it. But Best Picture...I think it deserves a nomination, but not a win.

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