Saturday, February 16, 2008

My Blog

OK...all my close friends will have access to this blog, and then if you like it and want to share wiht any others, please feel free.

This will be MY forum to tell you about movies I like, TV shows, books, restaurants, plays, recipes, and of course, some politics.

You can check here as often as you like, because you KNOW we watch a lot of movies.

Why am I blogging? "Cause I tell so many people about good flicks and such, but I am afraid maybe a repeat myself. this way, if you have any interest, you can see for yourselves. Also, I will write down new boozes I may try. You know, since that is a significant hobby of mine. may not be that fancy yet, but I like to get straight to it.

So look for reviews soon. Oh, and go Obama!!!!!!!!!!!

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