Sunday, February 17, 2008


OK...I'll start by what I am watching/reading now. Funny enough, I am reading "The Bachman Books" by Stephen King. It is four short novels that were written under a pseudonym gathered together in one volume. I say funny, because I don't read much Stephen King at all. But I remember reading "The Shining" when I was in 7th or 8th grade and it was the frickin' scariest book I have EVER read.

Anyway, I have read the first novel, "Rage." It is not too bad, not really horror though, which is why I think he use a pseudonym. I think some would see it as a precursor to Columbine, or any of the other school shootings, but it really has more a likeness to "Lord of the Flys." The second one is "The Longest Road," which I am just getting into.

As for what movie I am on. As you know, we watch almost all movies on DVD, which means I am not watching always the most current. Well right now, we are watching a very uncurrent movie, the 1977 mini-series "Roots." And it is pretty darn good. I read the book by Alex Hailey many years ago, and of course was enthralled. But the adaptation is quite good. And all I can say, as I am 2-3 hours into it---what a pretty crappy species we are. That we can do that to others, that we can treat other human beings is so sordid, disgusting a manner---it makes me wonder do we deserve to thrive. It makes me hope evolution pushes us on a wee bit faster, so we can stop being these pretty pathetic beings.

The series covers 7 discs, so I won't be having a full review soon, and we are watching some other flicks in between.

I will be talking about some movies I have seen recently also.

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