Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Movie- Capote

Capote (2005) is one of those movies that I probably should have seen long ago...I had heard about the great performances and all, but it was never that compelling to move it up in my queue...there were always other movies that just seemed a little more interesting.

Now I remember Truman Capote. My grandmother never missed an episode of the old Merv Griffen Show, and Capote was a fairly regular guest there. And even as a kid, I always thought..."Wow, is he weird!"

The movie is good, and Philip Seymour Hoffman's portrayal of Capote seems spot on, not only in his voice and mannerisms, but in his seemingly sociopathic urge to get the book In Cold Blood written, no matter who he uses and hurts, and no matter what lies he has to tell. And I think this is the heart of the portrayal...because this charming man is almost as terrible as the killer he pursues and writes about. I can't help thinking, if Capote did not have his writing, he would have been much like the killer.

I think Capote was a very good movie, but it certainly did not make me like Truman Capote at all, not that is was supposed to. And I am glad I never moved it up in my queue. I still think what I thought when I used to watch him on Merv Griffen..."Wow, is he weird."

That, at least, is my opinion.

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