Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Movie- The Weatherman

The Weatherman (2005) just did not do it for me. Instead of insightful, it felt dopey. Instead of offering an underdog, it offered a dumb, vacuous hero, one more interested in outward appearances than any substantial characteristic. NIcholas Cage plays Dave Spritz, a Chicago weatherman (not meteorologist, he would have to make an effort to be that) who is pretty much reviled by everyone. And the thing is, I can't really blame them.

People throw food at him as he is walking on the sidewalk. His family, ex-wife and daughter don't think much of him, and his father even less.

Now Dave does try to make changes here. But he is played so doggedly down in the dumps by Cage, that I never felt he really grew at all, even though he tried to make some facile appearances of growth.

I will admit to not being a big Cage fan...most of the time he just annoys me, so maybe it played into how I felt about this movie.

I would not recommend this film unless you were on a long flight...even then I may opt for a book.

At least that is my opinion.

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