Saturday, November 22, 2008

Movie-Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events

Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events is based on a series of children's books that I have heard are quite good. But somehow I really was not expecting too much from the movie. It seemed like it would be a vehicle for an overblown Jim Carrey performance.

But it was a lot better than I expected. And Jim Carrey was kept in rein, thank god, so the movie not just one impromptu segment of him channeling Robin Williams.

The kid performers in the movie were pretty credible, and that gave it a good start right there. Nothing kills a movie like this like bad performances from the kids actors. Some funny guest starring turns by Billy Connelly and Meryl Streep kept the movie going, and yes...Jim Carrey did fine. He kept his various personas interesting and fresh and he did not go over the top (probably due to good editing).

All in all a fun movie and diverting for an evening.

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