Monday, November 17, 2008

Religious Hypocricy

I know the pairing of those two words above does not really shock too many people, but I have to tell you, I am so pissed off about the Catholic church and its hypocrisy pertaining to Barack Obama, I am ready to take away any tax exempt status it has, and I refuse to support any of its programs, including Father Joes worthy charities here in San Diego.

They have said that any of its members that supported Obama must do penance because of his stand on abortion. And they say if they continue to support him, they should not take communion, because they are committing sin.

What the hell kind of thinking is that from this church that bargained with the Nazis less than a century ago? Are Americans who voted for Bush similarly sanctioned because he has started wars that have killed tens of thousands of people? Is that not a mortal sin? And if not, why not? And yes, those wars have killed children and pregnant women...and yet that is OK by these corrupt religious leaders? I am sorry, I try not to curse too much in my blog, but what the fuck is that?

Not 50 years ago, many Americans would not vote for JFK because they were afraid he would be led by bishops and the pope. Now it appears that the church wishes to re-enforce the idea that there is no separation between catholic Americans' civil duties and their religious duties.

I have a question---how good must a leader be to be OK with the church, even if he differs with them on abortion? Maybe more to the point, can he be as evil as Hitler, but still make deals with the Vatican as he did in WWII, as long as he agrees with them on abortion?

This sickens me to the core of my being! This church that wishes people to live in ignorance...that just in the last 25 years relented its excommunication of Galileo and admitted that he was right, the earth is not the center of the universe. This church that still distrusts evolutionary theory and tries at every turn to condemn it, this church that put to death scientists, excommunicated thinkers, and burned healers and others who worshiped older gods...this church wants Americans to give up our democratic rights in the voting booth and conform to what it says, and tries to say we will go to hell if we don't!

There is a special ring in hell for religious leaders like that. Jesus called out the Pharisees in his time, and these bishops are remarkably similar. They will suffer a similar fate.

It also smells of racism through and through and it disgusts me.

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