Friday, November 14, 2008

Quick TV Update

A couple of TV notes. Samantha Who? that was a bubble show for me, is now off my viewing list. It survived a couple of more episodes because it had found a bit of its warmth again, as opposed to just silliness. But it lapsed again into just silly, so it is gone.

Lipstick Jungle is being cancelled. Not a big surprise considering its ratings and its recent move to the Friday night graveyard. They will probably burn off the remaining episodes of the 13 the have filmed, but it will soon be gone too.

Two more shows to note. Fringe has moved to my own bubble. I really like the interplay between the characters, but it needs to start answering some of its questions, and also needs to not always be so damn gross in its mysteries.

And last, a show I really like is on the real bubble, namely Pushing Daisies. Quirky and odd, it is not like anything else on TV and I hope it survives, but I don't know if it will. It will be a shame if it does not.

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