Thursday, November 6, 2008

Quick TV Update

I have dropped one of my bubble shows off my viewing list. Terminator, The Sarah Connor Chronicles is no longer being DVR'd in my house. The show has too many directions, too many plot lines, and is just much too grim all the time.

While I still think the concept is good, the details are getting too muddy. First of all, how many terminators and humans can come back in time to destroy or help John Connor? It seems like several a day are popping in and out. And each one seems to have unsure motives. Are they really trying to save him or...

And the lady with the red hair...look, I don't mind an overriding mystery in a series, but when everything, every aspect of the series is a mystery, and new characters are introduced with more mysteries before tie-ing up previous just gets to be too much. And the lady with the red hair is one of those...frankly...I don't care anymore. much as I like Lena Headey, this show is gone.

A few other TV notes---my other bubble show, Samantha Who? has gained a short reprieve, but is just on the edge. Also Lipstick Jungle has been moved to Friday nights where it is expected to die a convincing death. So that will probably be gone by 2009, I would venture a guess.

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