Saturday, November 29, 2008

Movie-Swimming Upstream

Swimming Upstream (2005) is not a very well known movie, but it is terrific. A true story about Australian swimmer Tony Fingleton competing for a spot on the national team, is sounds a bore. But it really is about his family, his abusive older bother and father, played by the sensational Geoffrey Rush (who is a fantastic actor and never gets as much acclaim as he deserves).

This a finely crafted piece. The currents between the actors is perfect, with Judy Davis playing the mother of this very dysfunctional family, the movie really blends the swimming competition well with the real drama of the family dynamic.

The movie is not really about swimming, but surviving, and somehow persevering in the face of about as negative a start as possible. As I said, Rush is impressive, and I think he never wavers of goes wrong in his performance.

Swimming Upstream is a nice surprise movie, excellent, that few have heard about.

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