Sunday, October 26, 2008

Book-The Best of James Herriot

I have such a fond spot in my heart for James Herriot, I'll admit it. His love for his life is inspiring. He loves taking care of these animals, he loves the place he lives and he loves his family, especially his beloved wife Helen, and it shines through in these semi-autobiographical memoirs of his life as a country vet in England Yorkshire area, specifically, the Dales.

The author of All Creatures Great and Small, and several other books chronicling his adventures with Seigfried and Tristan, puts together some of his favorite stories in this volume, The Best of James Herriot, some of which come from each of his books.

I am a fairly jaded reader, but some of these entries make me laugh out loud! And some make me tear up, as when he has to put an old man's companion, his old dog, down.

This volume has some nice side notes and illustrations about equipment and breeds of animals that Herriot worked with. It also has beautiful photos of his country. This was a very fun and enjoyable read. is sappy, but the good kind of sappy. And I enjoyed the heck out of it.

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