Sunday, October 5, 2008

TV-TV 2008 Season Premiers- Chuck

I think Chuck is one of the best shows on TV. The satire of spy shows is great fun, and stars Zachary Levi as Chuck, a normal nerd who inexplicably gets all the nations top secret security intel downloaded into his brain. Then the computer that contains this info gets destroyed. So now Chuck is in a tough spot, for as much as he wants to stay at the electronics store (the Buy More) where he works and leads the Nerd Herd computer repair team, he now has to use the data in his head to help the various security agencies.

Levi is great in this role---earnest, likable, funny and touchingly nice too. He kind of gets off on the idea of being a spy, but when push comes to shove, and a gun is pointed at him...well, that ain't so great.

He is assigned two handlers by two different security agencies. The very yummy Yvonne Strahovski as Sarah. She wants to help Chuck, and of course, Chuck wants to kiss her. (It does not hurt that Strahovski seems to be wearing fewer clothes this season, a trend that I hope continues). The other agent is not so pro-Chuck. Casey, played perfectly by Adam Baldwin, is iron-jawed and steely-eyed, and would be as likely to kill Chuck (or at least seriously injure him) as to help him if he was given that assignment.

Great supporting roles, and a mixture of action, sweet moments and comedy make Chuck one of my favorite shows. This season's premier has done nothing to hurt that standing, in fact, it has come back very strong, and I really look forward to it on Monday nights. I hope the audience gets bigger for this very good show.

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