Monday, October 20, 2008

Huntington Beach

We drove up to Huntington Beach to visit our friend Paul. His girl was out of town, but we met his pets on our visit, and took him out to lunch.

We went to downtown Huntington, and though I forget the name of the restaurant, we sat at an outside table in a typically casual eatery. We ordered drinks and commenced with our fun for the day...namely, people watching. And downtown Huntington Beach is a mecca for people watching. And of course, when I say people, I mean hot chicas. I mean, why mince words.

We were next to the sidewalk, with Sharlynn and Paul facing one way, and me the other, so we would alert the opposite side of the table if there was some interesting eye candy moving this way..."Wait for it...."

The drinks were nice and the food was good, but the atmosphere was the best. Convivial and funny, the three of us then commenced to walk down to the pier, where we came upon a faux Batman and Snow White handing out fliers. While the day was warm enough, the wind on the pier was quite chilly and strong, and poor Snow Whites teeny skirt kept flapping almost up to her navel. Being infantile at best, we enjoyed that.

The walk back was just as fun and we stopped for another drink at a bar where the people watching was just as fun.

It was good to see Paul, see Beans again, and meet Frankie, Ash, Manja and Noonan. And we were sorry we missed Wendy, but we were sure we would come up again for a fun people watching day with friends.

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