Sunday, October 26, 2008

Day Trip to Julian

We took a day trip up to Julian...we hadn't been for at least 10 years, maybe longer. It is a nice drive and you could still see the results of the terrible fires from last year, and see how close it came to Julian.

October is the apple festival, but it was not too crowded as we went on a Friday. Did some shopping, and some nice wine tasting in the Witch Creek Winery tasting room, right on the main drag. Bought their merlot and their port, which is quite good. We had nice lunch at the Juilan Grille, and then had apple pie in one of the main shops---warm fresh apple pie a la mode...SOOOOO good. We bought a whole pie for my mom and dad, and then started home, coming through Ramona and Lakeside.

It was all a very pleasant day, very mellow and nice...until---yes, there is an until---

We cruising a long, getting close to Interstate 8, and we are in the fast lane, when all of sudden this ASSHOLE (and I don't use expletive lightly)cuts in front of us with inches to spare, because he is in back of a signal, nothing. Well, we are waving our arms, not giving finger signals yet. So Sharlynn is inevitably right on his ass, because it is so close, and he flips us off. As she tries to move into the next lane, he cuts in front of us for no reason but to cause problems, and he is laughing about it...literally, he cut us off with feet to spare. So he thinks it is funny to put peoples lives at risk? Probably so did the guys earlier this week who was speeding and killed a 19 year old, 7-month pregnant woman in San Diego.

You don't fuck with people's lives.

We actually pulled off the freeway for a bit, just to get out of sight of the SOB. Sharlynn was shaking she was so pissed off.

Other than that though, it was a really nice day! LOL LOL!

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