Friday, October 24, 2008


Beaufort (2007) was a Oscar nominee for best foreign film at last year's Oscar awards. The Israeli movie centers on a fort held by Israeli tropps in Lebanon, a fort that was won in by historic and heroic feats many years before the film takes place. But the fort is to be abandonded now---a victim to political and military ennui that wants to discontinue the fight to keep it under Israeli control.

So the troops there are abandoned too, even before the physical leaving of the fort, they feel as if they should not be keep dying in Hezzbolah mortar attacks, and they know that they are giving the fort up soon...they just want to leave. But orders are orders, so their CO has to keep trying.

This was a good movie, but not great. It was a bit too long, and could have used a tighter script. Though it portrayed the feeling of abandonment well, it also diverged into other plotlines that were not fully explored or needed.

Beaufort is a sad film in many ways, and as such is not exciting watching, but it is powerful in its own way, and thoughtful too.

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