Saturday, October 4, 2008


Starring Nicole Kidman, Birth (2004) is an uncomfortable movie, with a high "Ewwwwww" factor.

The story is about Kidman's character, who is getting remarried after the death of her first husband. Suddenly, this 10-year-old kid appears proclaiming to her dead husband (who she still loves). Her fiancee, family and friends all are astonished that she seems to believe this weird kid. And the audience members are a bit astonished too, because though the kid does seem to know things, it never seems real that she would believe him.

The "ewwwww" factor comes when she starts becoming physically close to the boy. They are naked in a tub together, looking at each other lovingly. She wants to run away with him, and wait until he is of age and marry him. Very uncomfortable watching this, and more so, because you don't really believe she would believe it.

A good supporting cast is wasted...Lauren Becall, Anne Heche, Danny Huston, all the roles seem fairly mundane. And Kidman seems to be unclear as to which way to play this character. Is she crazy herself? Is she just really dumb and gullible? Is she still obsessed with her first love? So she plays it all ways, and it just does not work.

I would not recommend Birth, except on a curiosity basis. Even a week later I am still thinking, "ewwww."

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