Saturday, May 9, 2009

Movie-21 Up

The second in the Up series of films, 21 Up (1977) contains the third in the series of films (the first film had the first two segments).

And it is a amazing series. The 7-year-olds that we initially met in the first film are now 21, and on the cusp of adulthood. Some newly married, some just about to finish college and pursue careers, all just getting a glimpse of what life holds for them. And we are just getting a clear view regarding whether the 7 year old was a clear predictor as to how they would turn out as adults. Are they pretty much who they will be by the time they are 7?

"Give me the boy at 7 and I will show you the man." It is a saying from the Jesuits, I have learned. This film series does not always bear that out. And more interestingly, does this vary by class? So much going on in this film, as director Michael Apted once again does interviews with these people.

We have seen them at 14 and now at 21. Next is 28 Up, where they will be fully adults, immersed in life. It will continue to be fascinating to see who they are, and how they compared to their earlier selves.

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