Monday, May 25, 2009

TV Upfront Week

With a very busy week of work, I was not able to enjoy the networks upfronts as much as I usually do. The upfronts are the week the networks announce their schedules for the next season, preview new shows, let us know which shows are cancelled, and try like hell to attract advertising dollars.

Some things I did notice that I will mention quickly as far as new shows. ABC looks to have some good sitcoms coming out. We lack laughs big time in TV land right now, and I could use more of those and less reality myself. And Community on NBC looks like it could be really funny.

Some cancellations that surprised...Without A Trace. Medium on NBC, which IMMEDIATELY got picked up on CBS. My Name is Earl, which is still being shopped around to Fox and ABC.

Some surprise survivors...Dollhouse...I thought for sure was gone, and I probably won't watch it. Scrubs will be back. Without Zach Braff. Without Sarah Chalk. Without janitor. Yeah...without me too. Sorry, that isn't Scrubs.

I am glad Chuck came through!

Overall looks like several new shows to try, but many old shows lost. ABC may have the most to sample, mostly comedies, but those can fall very lfat very fast.

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