Sunday, May 31, 2009

Movie- Star Trek

Now, let me say that I have always enjoyed Star Trek, from as far back as the original series. Yes, I have seen all the series and all the movies and even have some Star Trek novels.

On the other hand, remember when William Shatner made that appearance on SNL and told those Trekkies "Get a life! Move out of your mother's basement and get a apartment!"

I thought that was funnier than hell, because some of these people take it WAY TOO seriously. I could never dream of dressing up like a character and trying to live that life based on trivia from the show.

So I was really interested in this new take on Star Trek from JJ Abrams, a really talented director. And I have to tell you, I liked it. It was fun, brash, exciting and fast moving. What a lot of fans of the old Star Trek won't like is that it is not in "continuity" with the Star Trek which I what? It's a movie dammit! Based on a 60's TV show. They can break whatever rules of continuity they want, as long as it is a good product, and this is.

The actors portraying the original crew, Kirk, Spock, McCoy etc, did not try to mimic the first group, they simply tried to be true to the essence of the character, and then add what they could. And really, they were all excellent. Zachary Quinto, as Spock, looks eerily like a young Leonard Nimoy. Nimoy puts in a role here as the only member of the original cast, and it it nicely done, though the sci-fi jargon gets a bit heavy at that point.

There were great action scenes, a hallmark of Abrams. I had to laugh though, because I used to watch Alias, and it seems like he just took that red matter ball, right from that set unto this one! Way to reuse things JJ!

Sharlynn has never been a big Star Trek person, she tolerates it, barely, because of me. But even she enjoyed this movie, which is what movies are for, to enjoy. So whether they follow a continuity that Kirk did not do that in episode 12 of the first series, it shouldn't and doesn't matter. Its entertainment people---get a life!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I thought that it was a great movie too. But as far as the timeline goes, it's actually kind of is within continuity of the star trek universe if you buy the whole space time continuum bit. Star Trek does play a lot with time traveling and it isn't farfetched to believe that is how alternate timelines are formed. That's what I thought was so cool about the movie, it's not a remake at all.
It looks like the movie caught on to notable layout niches that star trek has been known to play with. In the series for example, when you see a new unknown character going on some type of away mission, a "trekky" would understand that there's a good chance that they'll end up dead at the end of the episode. I like how they played that out in the movie as well; like when Kirk and Sulu went on that drill destroying mission, the unfamiliar third person ended up killing himself out of stupidity.