Sunday, May 31, 2009

TV Finale-Reaper

Reaper is over, for the season and being not renewed, forever.

It lasted two seasons, and never quite lived up to its potential. At times really good, it always seemed to step back from being better than that. It had a great premise, sad sack loser finds out his soul belongs to Satan, because his parents sold it before he was born. Now he has to catch souls that have escaped from hell for Satan, who appears as a dashing and somewhat charming older man....just because he is the prince of darkness...In the meantime Sam tries to find a way out of his deal, lead a normal life surrounded by some looney friends, and a hot girlfriend.

The last episode was not satisfying to me though. They knew the show was not coming back, and personally, I would have been Ok with a more final conclusion. Sam beating the devil at his own game, as he ALMOST did, would have been better than the ending they came up with, at least for this viewer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, Andrew! Forever's a long time, and Reaper's chances of returning earlier are a LOT better than that! :D

Industry insiders confirm Hollywood Reporter's article that ABC Studios is actively trying to sell Reaper. Syndication is a very real possiblity right now, but EVERYONE is recommending writing your affiliates! Help out! All details here: or visit for the most up-to-date information.

We're getting some very positive feedback from the affiliates.