Sunday, April 13, 2008

Baja Betty's and Beyond

I did not feel like cooking on Saturday, so we went out for dinner to Baja Betty's on University. This is a fun place, with good food and drinks and a light-hearted atmosphere. I hate to keep harping on Ortegas, but this place was MUCH better. The guacomole was not made fresh at the table, but it was more plentiful and better than Ortegas. I got the rock lobster tacos and Sharlynn had the carnitas. The food was plentiful and really good.

After, we did something we have not done for ages...we went to a strip club. We decided on not goign to Cheetahs, because we wanted to be able to have a drink, so went instead to the former Pacer's, now Larry Flynt's Hustler Club. It is a topless venue, and they have remodeled it nicely.

There were many girls, and one thing we noticed, most of the girls did not have fake boobs. That was pretty refreshing. We enjoyed the show and both got some lap dances. We really had fun and enjoyed the whole evening. Got home about midnight tired but happy!

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