Sunday, April 13, 2008


The March issue of Nat Geo was great. The cover story on animal communication was insightful and the images were out of this world. I also enjoyed the article on looking for the "god particle." Using particle accelerators to smash particles together to discover how the universe was created is a bit mind blowing, but fascinating reading. And the article on Bhutan makes you just hope they can work it out, mingling economic progress while maintaining social traditions is tough, but you end up rooting for it to work here.

The April issue of Playboy was a really good one. The Playboy Forum had great short pieces on the lack of literacy in America and the consequences that brings, and a great piece on the NSA and ATT basically rooming together to catch every work we say in cell phones and online. Scary stuff that. It also had a excerpt from Kurt Vonnegut's last work, about the fire bombing of Dresden at the end of WWII. That incident gave rise to his Slaughterhouse-5. But here he talks about what it was to be there. And an interesting article about many body parts can already be replaced, and very soon, many more will be available. And the fiction by Robert Stone was amazing.

The March issue of Zoonooz was so-so frankly. Except for the article about the conservation work being done with palms...very ho-hum.

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