Sunday, April 6, 2008

Book-"Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell"

First off, this is a big book. I had it in my backpack and dropped the pack on my toe...I felt like it almost broke it. So, I am glad I finished it so I can get my bicep back down to its normal size!

This book is had to classify. About magicians in 19th century England, who can call on fairies, and do other magical work to protect England from France, it seems to fit into the fantasy genre. But it is written like a 19th century novel. Reading many other reviews of the book, many mention a similarity to Dickens. I think the writing is more akin to Anthony Trollope, who I read quite a it of last year, BB (before blog).

And that similarity makes action much slower, and character development much longer, than in modern fiction, and particularly, in fantasy. There were times were I would grow a bit aggravated, because while I enjoyed Trollope, I knew he wrote in the 19th century, and did not think the style was needed in this one.

However, it was rich book, and despite some slower parts, kept me reading. The relationship between the two title characters, the two magicians, is intriguing, and the secrets that are the basis of the magic kept the pages turning.

I do think that the melding of the two genres was original, and I give creds for that. But I hope the author, Susanna Clarke does not rely on that for her whole career, because it could get tiresome. One large book like that is fine, but more would most likely lose my readership.

I would say I enjoyed the read, but at the same time, kept wanting it to be over, or get to the denouement faster.

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