Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Movie-Sweeney Todd

Honestly, I was not sure I would like this movie. I like musicals, but the subject matter was so...odd and disturbing that I was not sure I would like this musical.

I was wrong, really wrong. Sweeney Todd is really good. It is strange, as you would expect from a Tim Burton and Johnny Depp collaboration. But the strangeness has a point. I won't give too much of the plot away, but some of the songs lyrics are so full of irony that it made me laugh out loud. And Helena Bonham Carter is fantastic. She also, just as a general rule, is smokin'!

The music by Stephen Sondheim is great and the orchestration for the movie is first rate. Johnny's voice is surprisingly rich and full of emotion as this tortured soul Sweeney Todd should be.

Expect some gore, but it is so make believe gore that you can't get too upset about it.

Really a nice surprise and great entertainment.

I am adding a few more hyper links with Johnny for my dear friend Sharon...Johnny Johnny Johnny

I would not do this for just anyone Sharon!!! LOL!

1 comment:

Sharon said...

LOL!!!! What a dream boat! :-) haha

Alex and I just watched the movie the other night. Alex fell asleep, so I don't know if he'll have much of an opinion...

I didn't LOVE it, but I liked it. It was very unique, original and surprisingly good.

Speaking of Johnny Depp...guess who's in town shooting a Dillinger movie??? YEA! :-)