Sunday, April 13, 2008

TV Returns-The Office

When this show is right, it is among the funniest on TV. Its return showed when it hits the right notes. Michael and Jan (is there a more dysfunctional couple on TV right now?) invite Jim and Pam and Andy and Angela for a dinner party. Dwight also shows up with a date. And from that simple set-up, it just was laugh out loud funny, if a tad uncomfortable at some points.

When the show goes over the top is when they start putting Michael and Dwight over the top...then the show becomes stupid and almost unwatchable. They should stay with simple and let the laughs ensue from that, rather than complicated situations, which just become so unrealistic.

The Office is best as a half-hour, and the super-sized episodes dilute from the comedy.

I am happy that Pam and Jim remain funny even as a couple. It is a tough thing to pull off, but it is working.

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