Sunday, August 16, 2009

Movie- Dot the I

Dot the I (2003) is a tricky little movie, with twists and turns that surprise, but actually make sense.

Starring Gael García Bernal, it is a love story, at least seemingly. Woman is engaged, and at her bachelorette party in a French restaurant, an old tradition is broken out...she gets to kiss any man she wishes to for a last kiss before getting hitched. She chooses Kit (Bernal) and the kiss goes on, and is intense. The spell is broken and she leaves the restaurant, but Kit finds her and woos her.

The guy she is going to marry isn't a bad guy it seems, but there is no real fire for him in her. She is doing it because it is safe.

And then the twists begin!

And I won't tell them here, because if you watch it, it gives too much away.

The chemistry between Kit and Carmen (Natalia Verbeke) is palpable. And the two actors are excellent in their roles, Carmen, slightly damaged; Kit so intrigued with her, wanting to give her passion.

A decent story, good acting and unfamiliar. but smart twists. This was a pretty good movie.

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