Saturday, August 22, 2009


Wicked is at the Civic Theater, and we went and saw it last week. What a fun show!

It is the pre-story, in a way, to the Wizard of Oz. The twist is that the Wicked Witch of the East (WWOTE)...she really is just misunderstood, she is trying to help Oz, the Wizard and Glinda are actually evil, and the WWOTE is standing up for minorities such as talking animals, munchkins and, well, green girls.

Very fun, with a ton of nice messages in it, Wicked has really high productions values. Great stage settings, acting, dancing and the singing was amazing!

I loved how they brought in all the mythology from the Wizard of Oz, explaining who the Tin Man, Scarecrow and Cowardly Lion were, and why they had a grudge against the WWOTE. For me, the biggest lesson in the story was that the WWOTE needed a better PR firm! LOL! Seriously, she never had the chance to tell her side, she was drowned out by all the people spouting off about the Wizard. If she had a good PR agent even, she would have ruled Oz!

This is a wonderful show, though still I love Les Miz and Fiddler more, it is right up there with Phantom for me. And now I really want to get the book it is based on.

Such a fun night, with drinks beforehand at Downtown Johnny Browns, it was perfect!

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