Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Movie-Son of Rambow

Son of Rambow (2007) is a little hard to describe. Whenever I have tried, it comes out sounding boring, or trite, or both. And it is neither. It is funny, touching, and really fun to watch.

Maybe the best way to describe it is a coming of age story...two boys, Will, living in a strict religious house that does not allow him to watch TV or movies. Lee, the school trouble maker, and aspiring film director.

When Will inadvertently sees his first movie, First Blood, he wants to be Sly Stallone, and he and Lee start to make their movie. Their attempts are funny, and sweet, and a little malicious at times.

The actors that portray these two are really great. Lee, a bully and blowhard, really just a product of his environment, tempered by the sweet-natured Will. But as Will becomes more out in the world, he changes too, to Lee's dismay.

It is a quirky film, but very much on the good side of quirky. And it is devilishly funny. I still am not doing it justice, after 4 attempts to describe it. But maybe that is good, because sometimes original things are hard to put down in words. And Son of Rambow is original, that is a sure thing.

Try this movie--despite my poor attempts--- it is really good.

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