Thursday, August 13, 2009

Where the Turf Meets the Surf

I took a day off work last weeks, and Sharlynn and I went to the Del Mar Racetrack to see the horses run. This is something we enjoy almost every year, and this year Sharlynn got us grandstand seats. Now we did not stay in our seats the whole time, we wandered around, but it was really nice to have them to relax a bit. And we stayed for all the races because we had them.

Nine races that day, and Sharlynn did great, making money in the last 8 races STRAIGHT! She even brought in some hauls of over $50!! Basically she paid for our day and my margaritas (which are, shall we say, PRI-CEY).

You can see some pics on the blog site, and we had a lot of fun! Seeing the horses, shouting for your bet to come in the money! Having some drinks and people watching! And wow! Very pretty women there! Of course my own wife included! We ever ran into Mo and Sarah, some people we had met at a MeetUp group.

Very fun day with my baby!

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