Saturday, August 15, 2009

Movie-Imagining Argentina

Imagining Argentina (2004) is the kind of movie that warns against too much mixing of least if you do it, you have to be careful about it.

It seems at first to be a social film, about the military dictatorship in Argentina in the 70's, where thousands of people "disappeared" if they spoke out against the government. And it could have been good at that. But the main character, played by Antonio Banderas, suddenly develops psychic powers when his wife becomes one of the disappeared, and he can tell if they have lived or died, or what their fate will be in the future.

And it just doesn't work. Be one or the other, in this case, but it did not work in any way to try and be both social and supernatural.

And by the way, I LOVE Emma Thompson, but she should never try a Latin accent again. No no no.

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