Saturday, August 8, 2009

TV on Netflix- Mad Men: Season 2

We just finished Mad Men: Season 2 on DVD, and are all ready to catch the new season on AMC, starting Aug. 16.

What an amazing show. First of all, who ever designs the sets, the clothing...everything about the setting feels like you are in 1963. there is a scene in one office, and on the wall were these three wood and metal flying ducks...each with the wings in a different position. I had forgotten that we had had those in MY house growing up! So authentic!

And then you get to the story lines. Don Draper, ad man par excellence,,,husband, not so much. And the mystery of Don's past, his current marital problems, the sale of Sterling Cooper to a big British firm---all this made a remarkable season: intriguing and deep, multi-layered and provocative...the writers are excellent.

And the acting---John Hamm as Draper, January Jones as his now-rebelling wive, Elizabeth Moss as Peggy Olson, independent and smarter than most of the men at Sterling Cooper, Christina Hendricks as Joan, the head of the secretarial pool---with these great performances, the writing looks even better. And the rest of the cast is equally as good. The actresses really filled out their roles in the second season, and though the early 60's was not the best times for women, the actresses portraying this time are powerful.

Mad Men is an excellent show, well deserving of all the prizes and plaudits it has won. We are looking forward to season 3!

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