Thursday, August 20, 2009

TV-Season Premier-Madmen

The third season of Madmen started this past Sunday, and it was good to see how the boys at Sterling-Cooper were faring under their new ownership.

One of the things I like about Madmen is that it never knocks you over the head. There was a lot of hype about this premiere, but it did not try to do too much...and what it did do, the storylines that will emerge more this season, it did so carefully and delicately, for the most part, weaving a story rather than pounding it out.

As viewers, we all know that Sal is gay, but he doesn't know it really. Well---he may have a hint now! And Don's not-so-subtle warning to him, coached in a tag line for the London Fog account was classic, "Limit Your Exposure." But there was no big scene, or confrontation about what Don saw, and that is in keeping not only with Don's character, but with the time. What can Don say? First of all with his secret life?, and second of all, he has no experience in confronting a man with a different sexuality. And also, he needs Sal's talent at the office.

The new boss is an interesting character. Pitting Pete and Ken against each is either genius or suicide. He obviously sees creating conflict as a good thing, and I think we will see more of his manipulation as the season progresses. And Pete is so good at whining..."Why can't I get anything good all at once?" he whines to his wife!

And has Don changed? He is acting like a good family man, but he was ready to get it on with the stewardess. But was he somewhat reluctant? It seemed to me like he really needed to be talked into it. Almost like he was doing it very half-heartedly, as if it was a remembrance of how he is supposed to act as a macho guy, an alpha male.

A good start to a season that seems like it may be even more complex and layered that the last. Ah what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive. Looking forward to more deception and great entertainment from Madmen.

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